Monday, December 5, 2011


Recently we were asked to write a report as well as create a presentation on a country with conflict.  The country I chose to write about was Somalia.  The research was difficult to read, "a war of all against all" as one author described.  The pictures of malnourished mothers nursing malnourished babies.  The conflict is very internal, many groups of people fighting one another for power over the country.  There are many NGO's there trying to help the situation.  One of the interesting points I would like to address is that the UN and America have both at one time entered the country receiving threats from Islamist leaders stating that they would "turn the country into a graveyard for foreign soldiers should peacekeepers be introduced".  So what do we do? America is the "bad guy" not matter what we do.  If we enter their country unwanted (by some) then we illegally enter a country and try to push our way of thinking onto another.  But if we don't enter the country then we are villains because we are sitting back watching innocent civilians die a long and painful death.  I in no way have the answer, it was extremely difficult to see all those pictures of living skeletons.  How do we help? As I was researching I was watching my little one sleep under warm blankets with sweet warm chubby cheeks, thanking the Lord that she was healthy.

1 comment:

  1. This country is defintekly in need of an intervention. So many people are suffering and need to be helped. This is such a violent part of the country and is so deadly.

    We can begin by not purchasing items that have been linked to support the individuals who are causing the death and destuction of this country.
